Time stops. Time moves. Time ruins. Time heals. Time runs forwards, runs out, runs away. Time shapes space, makes history, de/forms subjects. Time fills up and empties out.

This workshop — an event showcasing work by the current cohort of ICI fellows, who have worked collectively on the ICI core project ‘ERRANS, in Time’ over the past two years — will explore and explode questions of time and temporality.

Working across, between, and against disciplines and engaging with a diverse array of objects encompassing film, literature, psychology, philosophy, visual art, and critical theory, the speakers will address questions related to temporal errancy in conversation with invited discussants.

Aiming at bringing to a halt understandings of time as merely developmentalist, linear, and/or progressive, the event will investigate different forms and aesthetics of temporal errancies and their political implications.


10:30-13:15 Panel I: Asynchronic Encounters

Birkan Taş:
Future Un/known: Cripping In/dependence’

Clio Nicastro:
With and Despite Others: On Empathic Encounters

11:45 Coffee break

Hannah Proctor:
Scars Behind: On Revolutionary Politics and Healing

Yv Nay:
Shadows of Time and The Yet to Come: Political Imaginaries of Human Rights

Respondent: Taraneh Fazeli

13:15 Lunch break


14:30-15:45 Panel II: A Shared Present

Cristina Baldacci:
Gesture Is so Contemporary, Contemporary, Contemporary (on Philippe Parreno)

Francesco Giusti:
Suspended Gestures: Lyric Time and the Transhistorical

Respondent: Fabian Goppelsröder

15:45 Coffee break


16:00-18:45 Panel III: Counter-Times

Tom Vandeputte:
Standstill: Time and Political Affect in Benjamin

Christiane Frey:
On Interim Politics – between Hobbes and Arendt

17:15 Coffee break

Julie Gaillard:
Emancipation, you said? Un/ending autonomy (on Lyotard)

Daniel Reeve:
Banal Conversion: Universality and Difference in the Late Middle Ages

Respondent: Vivian Liska

In English

Taraneh Fazeli
Fabian Goppelsröder
Vivian Liska

Organized by

ICI Berlin

The event, like all events at the ICI Berlin, is open to the public, free of charge. The audience is presumed to consent to a possible recording on the part of the ICI Berlin. If you would like to attend the event yet might require assistance, please contact Event Management.