
Welcome to the ICI Library! The ICI Library is a reference library to be used on site. We support the scholars of the ICI Berlin in their research by supplying them with the needed literature and bibliographical information. While we develop our collection in close connection with the collective research projects of the ICI Berlin, we use interlibrary loan services to make materials available that are needed by individual researchers.

The ICI Library is registered with the library code ISIL BE–1578 by the ISIL Agency of Germany, is a member of the GBV Common Library Network, the German Library Association (dbv e. V.), and of the Working Community of German Special Libraries (AspB e. V.)

It is a partner of the Specialized Information Service for Comparative Literature (SIS Comparative Literature/FID AVL) and supports the ICI’s publishing venture ICI Berlin Press.


The ICI Library houses a collection reflecting the multidisciplinary research undertaken at the Institute in general and the work on its core projects in particular, with a focus on research in cultural theory. The library also houses the ICI Edition, a collection of recordings of events organized at the ICI Berlin. All recordings published in the ICI Edition have an entry in the library catalogue, which contains a link to the video hosted on the ICI website. The library also archives the posters and flyers of ICI Events as well as press materials and literature reviews related to the ICI Berlin.

Public ICI Library Catalogue

Mood Library


The holdings of the ICI Library are recorded in the local catalogue as well as in the Common Union Catalogue (GVK) of the Common Library Network (GBV), carrying call numbers and location information. Please note, however, that the catalogue does not give information about the status of individual items, since the ICI Library uses an internal lending system not connected to the publically accessible GVK catalogue. Please inquire with library staff if the desired title is presently available.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer regular use of the ICI Library to our guests. You are welcome, however, to visit us and use our holdings on site.  Please contact us in advance in order to make an appointment.


The library staff is present and ready to assist you on:

  • Mon 10:00 – 14:00
  • Tues 10:00 – 18:00
  • Wed 10:00 – 14:00
  • Thurs (Homeoffice) 10:00 – 12:00

Christine Niehoff (Academic Librarian)
Tel: 473 7291-26

Saori Kanemaki (Library Assistant)
Tel.: 473 7291-29

Article by fellow Yuri Di Liberto:
The Catabolic turn : Navigating socio-environmental disruption and material negativity

The Anthropocene has pushed thinkers to reconsider the agency of humans on natural historicity. Against the backdrop of idealism, different scholars have recently pointed out how human history has become increasingly dependent on how human action shapes the environment itself. Marxist authors, in turn, point out how environmental disruption caused by over-exploitation provokes a “metabolic rift” between humanity and nature. However, until now no account has explored what a post-metabolic reality might entail.

Inscriptions – Vol. 8 No. 1 (2025): Navigating the Critical Zone


New Articles by former affiliate fellow Sara Callahan

Strategies of Critique in Contemporary Artistic Archival Practice

This essay proposes that selected artworks exemplify a set of approaches within contemporary artistic practices that operate in ways that simultaneously align with and deviate from the main tenets of the “archival turn” in contemporary art.
ArchivoPapers (Open Access)

When the Dust Has Settled: What Was the Archival Turn, and Is It Still Turning?

Several decades after the proposed “turn” to the archive, it is now possible to examine the phenomenon with the benefit of some historical distance, and ask: what was the archival turn, and is it still turning?
Art Journal (Open Access)

Available soon:
New Publication by former fellow Hannah Proctor: Burnout - The Emotional Experience of Political Defeat

In the struggle for a better world, setbacks are inevitable. Defeat can feel overwhelming at times, but it has to be endured. How then do the people on the front line keep going? To answer that question, Hannah Proctor draws on historical resources to find out how revolutionaries and activists of the past kept a grip on hope.

Verso Books

“The Vanquished of Yesterday” – Interview with Hannah Proctor in the Tribune