Book Series Cultural Inquiry →

The book series Cultural Inquiry is dedicated to exploring how diverse cultures can be brought into fruitful rather than pernicious confrontation. Taking culture in a deliberately broad sense that also includes different discourses and disciplines, it aims to open up spaces of inquiry, experimentation, and intervention. Its emphasis lies in critical reflection and in identifying and highlighting contemporary issues and concerns, even in publications with a historical orientation.

Following a decidedly cross-disciplinary approach, the series seeks to enact and provoke transfers among the humanities, the natural and social sciences, and the arts. The series includes a plurality of methodologies and approaches, binding them through the tension of mutual confrontation and negotiation rather than through homogenization or exclusion.
ISSN (Print): 2627-728X
ISSN (Online): 2627-731X

The back catalogue of the series is available here.
The first fourteen volumes of the series edited by Manuele Gragnolati and Christoph F. E. Holzhey appeared with Turia + Kant in Vienna/Berlin from 2010 to 2018. In 2019, the series moved to ICI Berlin Press, which publishes it not only in paperback but also in different open access formats (html, pdf, epub). Further details →

Cover Psychotherapy and Materialism
Institutional psychotherapy emerged in France during World War II as a resistance movement against the fascist extermination of patients with mental and physical disabilities.
In contemporary Western societies, lyric poetry is often considered an elitist or solipsistic literary genre.
Cover Displacing Theory through the Global South
Displacing Theory Through the Global South calls for reflection on the historical and geopolitical inequalities that have shaped theorization.

Book Series Cultural Inquiry

The series Cultural Inquiry is dedicated to exploring how diverse cultures can be brought into fruitful rather than pernicious confrontation. Taking culture in a deliberately broad sense that also includes different discourses and disciplines, it aims to open up spaces of inquiry, experimentation, and intervention. Its emphasis lies in critical reflection and in identifying and highlighting contemporary issues and concerns, even in publications with a historical orientation. Following a decidedly cross-disciplinary approach, it seeks to enact and provoke transfers among the humanities, the natural and social sciences, and the arts. The series includes a plurality of methodologies and approaches, binding them through the tension of mutual confrontation and negotiation rather than through homogenization or exclusion.

The first fourteen volume appeared with Turia + Kant in Vienna/Berlin from 2010 to 2018. In 2019, the series moved to ICI Berlin Press, which  publishes it not only in paperback but also in different open access formats (html, pdf, epub).

Series Editors

Christoph F. E. Holzhey and Manuele Gragnolati


ICI Berlin Press
Christinenstr. 18/19
Haus 8
D-10119 Berlin
+49 (30) 473 7291-10

Flyer (Book Series Cultural Inquiry as of 4 February 2020)


Publications of ICI Berlin Press are generally available open access via the press site at in html, pdf, and epub formats.

Print versions should be available world-wide through local bookstores and various online platforms, but if you have any problems ordering them, please contact us at

Submission Guidelines

The book series ‘Cultural Inquiry’ welcomes proposals for books (monographs or edited volumes) fitting the general profile of the ICI Berlin as defined in particular through its core projects and foci.

Authors or editors wishing to present a book proposal should write to the series editors with a brief prospectus including a description of the work, expected length and number of illustrations, and information on the schedule for completion of the manuscript. A complete proposal should also include a curriculum vitae, table of contents, and a sample chapter. If the book is a collection of essays, please indicate who the contributors will be and include their abstracts as well as a preliminary version of the introduction.

If the series editors think that the proposed book can be included in the series, they would exchange provisional acceptance letters with the author(s)/editor(s) to establish the terms of publication, and what obligations each party will have. While they would expect this to lead to a successful outcome, a formal contract will be offered after a substantially complete (though not necessarily final) manuscript is submitted and reviewed.

Inquiries, proposals, and manuscripts for evaluation are taken throughout the year, but decisions for inclusion in the series are usually taken twice a year in late March/Octobre and material should be submitted a month earlier, i.e. by the end of February/September to receive full consideration.