What’s in a prefix? How to read a prefix as short as ‘re-’? Does ‘re-’ really signify? Can it point into a specific direction? Can it reverse? Can it become the shibboleth of a ‘postcritical’ reboot? At first glance transparent and directional, ‘re-’ complicates the linear and teleological models commonly accepted as structuring the relations between past, present, and future, opening onto errant temporalities.
Table of Contents
- Recherche I
- Recherche II: Anamnesis
- Recirculation: The Wandering of Digital Images in Post-Internet Art
- Recitation: Lyric Time(s) I
- Recovery
- Reenactment: Errant Images in Contemporary Art
- Rehabilitation I
- Rehabilitation II
- Renewal
- Repetition
- Repetition: Differential Monotony, Affects, Creation
- Repetition
- Resistance I
- Resistance II
- Resistance
- Resolution
- Restrain
- Reversion: Lyric Time(s) II
- Revolution: Making a Break in History