15:00-18:30 Workshop
Translating Fragments
(In English, French, and German)

Taking up the early Romantics’ engagement with fragmentation, the workshop will put to work a selection of literary pieces and their translations in progress. Verses, passages and stanzas by Lacoue-Labarthe, Hölderlin, Lispector, Quignard, Stein, and others will be read and discussed in order to reflect on the relation between fragmentation and translation.

With Johannes Kleinbeck, translator of Das Literarisch-Absolute (Berlin/Wien 2016), Esther von der Osten, translator of several titles by, amongst others, Jean-Luc Nancy, Oliver Precht, translator of Pessoa.

19:30 Lectures and Discussion
Das Literarisch-Absolute
(Auf Deutsch / In German)

Fast 40 Jahre nach seiner ersten Veröffentlichung durch Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe und Jean-Luc Nancy ist das Literarisch-Absolute eine der wichtigsten Abhandlungen zur Entstehung des modernen Begriffs der Literatur in der Frühromantik geblieben. »Das Athenaeum ist unsere Geburtstätte«, schreiben die Autoren. Was aber bedeuten heute die zentralen Begriffe ihrer Rekonstruktion dieser Genealogie? Sind wir immer noch – oder auf ähnliche Weise – mit Fragmentierung, dem absoluten Roman, mit Anonymität und kollektiver Praxis beschäftigt? Leben wir weiterhin im »kritischen Zeitalter par excellence«, wie es die Autoren 1978 beschrieben haben? Ist der gegenwärtige Moment ebenfalls durch die dreifache – soziale, politische, philosophische – Krise bestimmt, der als erste die Frühromantiker ausgesetzt waren? Wenn ja, sind »Interventionen« und »Wachsamkeit« noch die angemessenen Antworten?

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Jean-Luc Nancy, renowned philosopher, is a professor emeritus at the Université des Sciences humaines de Strasbourg who has held visiting positions at the FU Berlin, UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, and UC Irvine. His most recent books are Demande: Littérature et philosophie (2015), Banalité de Heidegger (2015), and Que faire? (2016).

Susanne Lüdemann is professor for modern German and comparative literature at the LMU Munich and a practicing psychoanalyst. Among her recent publications are: Politics of Deconstruction: A New Introduction to Jacques Derrida (2014) and (co-ed. with Michèle Lowrie), Exemplarity and Singularity: Thinking through Particulars in Philosophy, Literature, and Law (2015).

Johannes Kleinbeck is a research associate at the Institute for Comparative Literature at LMU Munich and member of the DFG-funded project ‘Philology and Psychoanalysis: At the Borders of Language’, writing a dissertation on the concept of auto-affection between Derrida, Heidegger, and Aristotle. He is a translator and one of the editors of the book series ‘Neue Subjektile’ (Turia & Kant).

Esther von der Osten, PhD, freelance translator and lecturer, was a research associate at the Peter Szondi Institute at the FU Berlin from 2002 to 2011. She has translated, among others, Jean-Luc Nancy, Hélène Cixous, Jacques Derrida, and Georges Didi-Huberman.

Oliver Precht is writing his dissertation on the notion of philosophy in the work of Martin Heidegger and is a translator, currently working on translations of Oswald de Andrade and Fernando Pessoa.

Organized by

An ICI Event, organized by Marcus Coelen and Claire Nioche-Sibony

The event, like all events at the ICI Berlin, is open to the public, free of charge. However, the workshop – due to a limited number of seats – required prior registration and is now fully booked. The audience is presumed to consent to a possible recording on the part of the ICI Berlin. If you would like to attend the event yet might require assistance, please contact Event Management.