Im Rahmen der Buchvorstellung von ‘Phantasmata. Techniken des Unheimlichen’ und der Image [&] Narrative Online-Ausgaben ‘Hauntings’ diskutieren Herausgeber und Autorinnen Besonderheiten, Bedeutung und Tragweite des Unheimlichen.

Phantasmata. Techniken des Unheimlichen, vierter Band in der Reihe Cultural Inquiry, setzt bei Sigmund Freuds psychoanalytischem Modell des Unheimlichen an, verfolgt die historische Genese und zeichnet die heterogene Entwicklung bis ins 21. Jahrhundert nach. Der besondere Fokus liegt auf der Verschränkung des Unheimlichen mit dem Begriff Techniken: Zum einen werden Praktiken der Evokation des Unheimlichen untersucht; zum anderen wird gefragt, inwiefern Techniken als Denkfiguren zum Verständnis epistemologischer, ästhetischer und politisch-sozialer Bedingungen des Unheimlichen beitragen. Unter diesen Aspekten versammelt der Band Forschungsbeiträge aus Medien-, Literatur-, Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, Philosophie, Psychoanalyse und Soziologie.


19:30 Begrüßung und Einführung: Christoph Holzhey

19:45 Diskussion: Fabio Camilletti (University of Warwick), Martin Doll (Université du Luxembourg), Rupert Gaderer (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), Jan Niklas Howe (FU Berlin), Anneleen Masschelein (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) und Catherine Smale (King’s College London)

Moderation: Claudia Peppel


Fabio Camilletti
Martin Doll
Rupert Gaderer
Jan Niklas Howe
Anneleen Masschelein
Catherine Smale

Moderation: Claudia Peppel

Organized by

ICI Berlin In Kooperation mit dem Verlag Turia + Kant und Image [&] Narrative.

The event, like all events at the ICI Berlin, is open to the public, free of charge. The audience is presumed to consent to a possible recording on the part of the ICI Berlin. If you would like to attend the event yet might require assistance, please contact Event Management.

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Hauntings is a double special issue of Image [&] Narrative, a peer-reviewed e-journal on visual narratology. Whereas the first issue is devoted to the problem of narrating the uncanny as a liminal aesthetic experience, the second one focuses on uncanny figures and those undecidable places and situations that we may define as ‘twilight zones’. Taken as a whole, both issues offer a very broad overview of various aspects of the uncanny as an aesthetic affect and effect at work in literature and in art, covering the (pre)history of the uncanny to the present, different linguistic traditions and media.


Fabio Camilletti is Assistant Professor in Italian at the University of Warwick (UK) and an ICI Alumnus. His research interests include European Romanticism(s), literature and psychoanalysis, the uncanny and the semantics of historical time.

Martin Doll is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow within the ATTRACT research project »Aesthetical Figurations of the Political« at the University of Luxembourg and an ICI Alumnus. His research interests include history of media, hoaxes and fakes, politics and media, and utopias.

Rupert Gaderer is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Bauhaus-University Weimar and an ICI Alumnus. His research interests include the interconnections between natural sciences and literature, as well as the history of the phenomenon known as querulance in law, psychiatry, and literature.

Jan Niklas Howe is a Research and Teaching Assistant at the Peter Szondi Institute for Comparative Literature at Freie Universität Berlin. His research interests include the history and theory of monstrosity, literature and life sciences in the 19th century, and poetic representations of the political.

Anneleen Masschelein is a Lecturer at the University of Leuven and a Research Fellow of the National Research Fund Flanders (FWO). She teaches literary theory, semiotics and cultural studies. She is one of the editors of Image [&] Narrative.

Catherine Smale is a lecturer in German at King’s College London. She teaches a range of courses on German literature from the early modern to the present day. She completed her PhD in 2011 at the University of Cambridge with a dissertation on phantoms in post-1989 German fiction.


Fabio Camilletti
Martin Doll
Rupert Gaderer
Jan Niklas Howe
Anneleen Masschelein
Catherine Smale

Moderation: Claudia Peppel

Organized by

ICI Berlin In Kooperation mit dem Verlag Turia + Kant und Image [&] Narrative.

The event, like all events at the ICI Berlin, is open to the public, free of charge. The audience is presumed to consent to a possible recording on the part of the ICI Berlin. If you would like to attend the event yet might require assistance, please contact Event Management.

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