ed. by Nikita Dhawan, Antke Engel, Christoph F. E. Holzhey, and Volker Woltersdorff

London: Routledge, 2015

Employing feminist, queer, and postcolonial perspectives, Global Justice and Desire addresses economy as a key ingredient in the dynamic interplay between modes of subjectivity, signification and governance. Bringing together a range of international contributors, the book proposes that both analyzing justice through the lens of desire, and considering desire through the lens of justice, are vital for exploring economic processes. A variety of approaches for capturing the complex and dynamic interplay of justice and desire in socioeconomic processes are taken up. But, acknowledging a complexity of forces and relations of power, domination, and violence – sometimes cohering and sometimes contradictory – it is the relationship between hierarchical gender arrangements, relations of exploitation, and their colonial histories that is stressed. Therefore, queer, feminist, and postcolonial perspectives intersect as Global Justice and Desire explores their capacity to contribute to more just, and more desirable, economies.

Routledge, Series ‘Social Justice’
242 pp., ISBN 978-1138241824

Table of Contents

S. Charusheela, Preface
Nikita Dhawan, Antke Engel, Jule Jakob Govrin, Christoph F. E. Holzhey, Volker Woltersdorff, Introduction

I. Entanglements of Desire and Economy

Eva von Redecker, Marx’s Concept of Radical Needs in the Guise of Queer Desire
Jamila M.H. Mascat, Can the Subaltern Desire? The Erotic As a Power and the Disempowerment of the Erotic
Roderick A. Ferguson, The Associations of Black Queer Life: Reading and Seeing the Nineteen Eighties
Margot Weiss, Queer Economic Justice: Desire, Critique, and the Practice of Knowledge

II. Intersections of Sexual and Economic Justice

Randi Gressgård, The Instrumentalization of Sexual Diversity in a Civilizational Frame of Cosmopolitanism and Tolerance
Ratna Kapur, Unruly Desires, Gay Governance, and the Makeover of Sexuality in Postcolonial India
Lyn Ossome, Integrating Sexual and Economic Justice: Challenges for queer feminist activism against sexual violence in South Africa
Jon Binnie, Classing Desire: Erotics, Politics, Value

III. The Political Economy of Queer Embodiments

Christine M. Klapeer / Karin Schönpflug, Queer Needs Commons! Transgressing the Fiction of Self-ownership, Challenging Westocentric Proprietism
Leticia Sabsay, The Ruse of Sexual Freedom: Neoliberalism, Self-Ownership and Commercial Sex
Evangeline Heiliger, Queer Economies: Possibilities of Queer Desires and Economic Bodies (Because ‘The Economy’ Is Not Enough)
