Sexuality is implicit in economic processes: ways of organizing sexuality influence economic processes; conversely, current global economic processes constitute specific sexual identities and practices that collaborate in relations of exploitation, domination, and subjectivation.
The conference ‘Desiring Just Economies / Just Economies of Desire’ proposes to focus on the notion of desire as a tool to explore economy’s sexual dimension as much as the economic dimension of sexuality. It recognizes that desire sustains current economies, but also carries the potential for inciting new forms of understanding and doing economy. Drawing on Queer Theory, which maintains that desire can be envisioned beyond heteronormative restrictions, it will address the question of justice. In particular, it will ask whether the pursuit of economic and sexual justice can be made to coincide when economy is queered by desire.
In English
Lisa Duggan
Amalia Fischer-Pfaeffle
Kevin Floyd
Ratna Kapur
Irene Leon
Desiree Lewis
Anne McClintock
et al.
Organized by
Nikita Dhawan, Antke Engel, Christoph Holzhey, and Volker Woltersdorff, in cooperation with Frankfurt Research Center for Postcolonial Studies (Goethe Universität Frankfurt), Institute for Queer Theory (Hamburg, Berlin), ICI Berlin, and SFB 447 ‘Kulturen des Performativen’ (FU Berlin)
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