Ali Benmakhlouf is professor of philosophy at the Université de Paris Est – Créteil and divides his time between France and Morocco. His research interests include Arabic philosophy, the philosophy of logic, and questions of bioethics. He has published books on Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, and Alfred North Whitehead, as well as on Averroes and Al-Farabi, and, more recently, Michel de Montaigne.
He is currently a member of the French National Ethics Advisory Committee and President of the Deontological and Ethical Advisory Committee at the IRD (Research Institute for Development). His most recent books are L’identité, une fable philosophique (2011); Vous reprendrez bien un peu de philosophie (2011); C’est de l’art (2011), and Pourquoi lire les philosophes arabes (2015), La conversation comme manière de vivre (2016).