In the face of climate breakdown, legal discourse is urged to reconsider the relationship between law and nature: What kind of legal imagination is needed for the time of Gaia? Reinstituting nature as the defining category for addressing climate breakdown could prove to be both dangerous and obsolete. The workshop focuses on lateral alternatives to the personification of nature and aims at creating a new ecological imagination of legal techniques. It seeks to develop a tentative lexicon including categories such as species, trans-subjective rights, diffuse interests, ecocide, commons and future generations.

In English

10:30 Morning Coffee

10:45 Edward Mussawir: Species
11:05 Alexandra Aragão: Diffuse Interests
11:25 Pasquale Femia: Transubjective Rights

Followed by a Q&A

12:15 – 12:30 Coffee Break

12:30 Michael Monterossi: Commons/Future Generations
12:50 Emanuela Fronza: Ecocide

Followed by a Q&A

Organized by
Xenia Chiaramonte and Sarath Jakka
KV Legal Imaginationfor Gaia

Image Credit © Claudia Peppel