Era o Hotel Cambridge
(The Cambridge Squatter, 2016, 99 min)
The film is set at the center of Brazil’s biggest city, São Paulo. It tracks the occupation of the Cambridge hotel, a rundown, 15 storey building, by low-paid workers, refugees, and homeless people from the Congo, Haiti, Palestine, Syria, and Brazil. They share their lives and stories, while the threat of eviction looms large over their heads.
Eliane Caffé is a Brazilian filmmaker, born in São Paulo. She received a degree in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), and then went to study cinema in Cuba and Spain. She made her debut with the short film O Nariz (1988), an adaptation of a text by Luis Fernando Veríssimo. Her first feature length film Kenoma (1998), starring José Dumont, won awards in festivals in Buenos Aires and Biarritz, and was nominated at the Prêmio Guarani de Cinema Brasileiro. Her film Narradores de Javé (2003) won at the Festival do Rio and was awarded the prize as Best Original Screenplay at the Grande Prêmio do Cinema Brasileiro 2005.
The screening is followed by a discussion with Gero Bauer, Iracema Dulley, and Fernando Resende
In English
Gero Bauer
Iracema Dulley
Fernando Resende
Organized by
Fernando Resende
An ICI Event in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research (ZGD) and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies (ICGSS) at the University of Tübingen, and TRAVESSIA at Federal Fluminese University (UFF), Brazil

Film Still: Era o Hotel Cambridge © Eliane Caffé
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