
Fatima Naqvi completed her undergraduate and graduate degrees at Dartmouth College and Harvard University. Since 2019, she is Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures at Yale University; from 2000–2019, she taught at Rutgers University. In 2013, she was Fulbright Professor at the Center for Intermediality Studies at the Karl-Franzens-Universität in Graz.

She is also a board member of the Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies (BIAAS) and serves on the jury for the Austrian Cultural Forum Translation Prize. She is co-editor of Volltext – Zeitschrift für Literatur and consulting editor for Recherche – Zeitung für Wissenschaft. She is co-editor-in-chief of the international edition of Investigations, a journal devoted to intellectual exchange between the Anglo-American and German-speaking world.

Her teaching interests include 19th, 20th, and 21st century German culture, the intersection of fine art and literature, European art film, as well as architectural and spatial theory. One current research project focuses on the topic of fremdschämen—the sense of shame for another—in contemporary media culture. In her work-in-progress on the “ethics of embarrassment,” she devotes special attention to the works of Ulrich Seidl, Erwin Wurm, and Elfriede Jelinek. A second project delves into the problem of generosity and environmental consciousness in recent documentary films.

Selected Publications

Books / Edited Volumes

  • The White Ribbon (Rochester, NY: Camden House, forthcoming)
  • Michael Haneke: Interviews, co-ed. with Roy Grundmann and Colin Root (Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2020)
  • How We Learn Where We Live: Thomas Bernhard, Architecture, and Bildung (Evanston IL: Northwestern University Press, 2016)
  • Trügerische Vertrautheit: Filme von Michael Haneke (Vienna: Synema, 2011)
  • The Literary and Cultural Rhetoric of Victimhood: Western Europe 1970-2005 (New York: Palgrave, 2007)
  • Modern Austrian Literature 39.2 (October 2006) on Elfriede Jelinek’s texts from 1995 to 2005 (essays by Juliane Vogel, Daniela Strigl, Luigi Reitani, Sabine Treude, and others)


  • ‘Psycho Biography. Werner Schroeter’s Malina (1991)’, in Werner Schroeter, ed. by Roy Grundmann (Vienna: Filmmuseum Synema, forthcoming)
  • ‘Heldenplatz’, in Metzler Handbuch zu Thomas Bernhard, ed. by Manfred Mittermayer and Martin Huber (Stuttgart: Metzler, forthcoming)
  • ‘Nur keine Vermittler! Bernhard und Jelinek in medias res’, Nestbeschmutzer oder Korrespondenzen jenseits der Hassliebe. Elfriede Jelinek und Thomas Bernhard, ed. by Bastian Reinert and Clemens Götze (Berlin: DeGruyter, forthcoming)
  • ‘“Was liegt am Ruhm, da man den Nachruhm nicht erleben kann?” Die Wiederentdeckung Marie von Ebner-Eschenbachs’, Volltext 2016.1, pp. 57-59
  • ‘Apokalyptische Kosmologie: Anselm Kiefer und Christoph Ransmayr’, in Bis zum Ende der Welt, ed. by Attila Bombitz (Vienna: Praesens, 2015), pp. 203-22
  • ‘Kurzprosa’, in Metzler Handbuch zu Elfriede Jelinek, ed. by Pia Janke (Stuttgart: Metzler, 2013), pp. 125-30
  • ‘Bildungsräume: Thomas Bernhard und die visionäre Architektur der Sechzigerjahre,’ Recherche – Zeitung für Wissenschaft 2013.1, pp. 14-15
  • ‘Bildungsbaukasten: Der universitäre Weg und das IKEA-Prinzip’ (with the members of the Seminar for Spatial Configurations at the University of Graz, Department of Art History), Recherche – Zeitung für Wissenschaft 2013.1, pp. 15-16


Books / Edited Volumes

  • Michael Haneke: Interviews, co-ed. with Roy Grundmann and Colin Root (Jackson MS: University Press of Mississippi, forthcoming)
  • How We Learn Where We Live: Thomas Bernhard, Architecture, and Bildung (Evanston IL: Northwestern University Press, 2016)
  • Trügerische Vertrautheit: Filme von Michael Haneke (Vienna: Synema, 2011)
  • The Literary and Cultural Rhetoric of Victimhood: Western Europe 1970-2005 (New York: Palgrave, 2007)
  • Modern Austrian Literature 39.2 (October 2006) on Elfriede Jelinek’s texts from 1995 to 2005 (essays by Juliane Vogel, Daniela Strigl, Luigi Reitani, Sabine Treude, and others)


  • ‘Psycho Biography. Werner Schroeter’s Malina (1991)’, in Werner Schroeter, ed. by Roy Grundmann (Vienna: Filmmuseum Synema, forthcoming)
  • ‘Heldenplatz’, in Metzler Handbuch zu Thomas Bernhard, ed. by Manfred Mittermayer and Martin Huber (Stuttgart: Metzler, forthcoming)
  • ‘Nur keine Vermittler! Bernhard und Jelinek in medias res’, Nestbeschmutzer oder Korrespondenzen jenseits der Hassliebe. Elfriede Jelinek und Thomas Bernhard, ed. by Bastian Reinert and Clemens Götze (Berlin: DeGruyter, forthcoming)
  • ‘“Was liegt am Ruhm, da man den Nachruhm nicht erleben kann?” Die Wiederentdeckung Marie von Ebner-Eschenbachs’, Volltext 2016.1, pp. 57-59
  • ‘Apokalyptische Kosmologie: Anselm Kiefer und Christoph Ransmayr’, in Bis zum Ende der Welt, ed. by Attila Bombitz (Vienna: Praesens, 2015), pp. 203-22
  • ‘Kurzprosa’, in Metzler Handbuch zu Elfriede Jelinek, ed. by Pia Janke (Stuttgart: Metzler, 2013), pp. 125-30
  • ‘Bildungsräume: Thomas Bernhard und die visionäre Architektur der Sechzigerjahre,’ Recherche – Zeitung für Wissenschaft 2013.1, pp. 14-15
  • ‘Bildungsbaukasten: Der universitäre Weg und das IKEA-Prinzip’ (with the members of the Seminar for Spatial Configurations at the University of Graz, Department of Art History), Recherche – Zeitung für Wissenschaft 2013.1, pp. 15-16
  • ‘Die neuen Medien der “alten” Literatur. Glattauer, Kehlmann, M@yröcker,, #cotten’, ide – Informationen zur Deutschdidaktik 2011.4: Österreichische Gegenwartsliteratur 2000–2010, ed. by Stefan Krammer and Daniela Strigl (Innsbruck: Studienverlag, 2011), pp. 27-35
  • Stylish sheets oder Warum Goethes Texte gerne zwischen den Laken liegen’, Literatur und Kritik 459/460 (November 2011), pp. 46-49
  • ‘Die unmögliche Möglichkeit: Zur Struktur von Elfriede Jelineks “Angst”’, in Lob der Oberfläche, ed. by Thomas Eder and Juliane Vogel (Munich: Fink, 2010), pp. 131-42
  • ‘Von Türhütern, Meistern und Untergängern: Dilettantismus in Thomas Bernhards Der Untergeher’, in Österreichische Literatur ohne Grenzen. Gedenkschrift für Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler, ed. by Attila Bombitz et al (Vienna: Praesens, 2009), pp. 317-34
  • ‘Friederike Mayröckers arte povera’, in Ökonomien der Armut, ed. by Elke Brüns (Munich: Fink, 2008), pp. 207-19