ICI Associate Member Luca Di Blasi will give a talk on Schuldpolitik im Anthropozän @ Gropius Bau on Fr 28.08.2020, 17:30. As part of Avtonomi Akadimia – Academy of Transformation
Avtonomi Akadimia — founded and organized by Joulia Strauss — can usually be found in the Akadimia Platonos, the public garden in Athens where Plato taught almost 2,500 years ago. Avtonomi Akadimia will take place in Berlin for the first time. In various workshops and lectures, shamans, masters and curanderos, climate scientists, philosophers, and artists will hybridize contradictory forms of knowledge and generate an indigenized academy as the down-to-earth of the European educational system.
Image credit © Claudia Peppel