Claudia Peppel, academic staff member at the ICI Berlin, has coedited the book Die Kunst des Wartens, just published by Verlag Klaus Wagenbach. The volume collects texts and images about waiting, several of them authored by Peppel, as well as works of former ICI Fellows Rosa Barotsi, Cristina Baldacci, Clio Nicastro, and Hannah Proctor.

The idea for the book originated with an exhibition Claudia Peppel curated with Cristina Baldacci, Francesco Giusti, and Clio Nicastro for the ICI Berlin in 2016, ‘The Waiting Room‘.

Book Presentation (in German)
Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2019, 19:00
mit Claudia Peppel (Hrsg.), Nina Fischer und Omer Fast

Berlinische Galerie
Alte Jakobstraße 124-128
10969 Berlin

Posted on 25 March 2019