The Mind Group – initiated and coordinated by Thomas Metzinger – is a group of young philosophers and scientists with a strong interest in questions concerning the mind, consciousness and cognition. The aim of the group is to build an international network of mentors and excellent junior researchers in order to integrate different approaches and to foster the development of advanced theories of the mind, which incorporate most recent empirical findings as well as sophisticated conceptual work. Thus, one major purpose of the group is to help bridge the gap between sciences and humanities. The group’s meetings take place at least twice a year with public lectures by well-known cognitive scientists.
Pierre Jacob is President of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology and the Head of Institut Jean Nicod.
Chris Frith is Emeritus Professor of Cognitive Neuropsychology, University College London and Niels Bohr Visiting Professor, Aarhus University.
Uta Frith is Emeritus Professor of Cognitive Development, University College London and Aarhus University Research Foundation Professor
After the public lectures of ‘Levels of Embodiment’ on 20 and 21 November 2009, MIND 11 is the second collaboration between the MIND Group and the ICI Berlin. This time, however, the entire workshop will take place at the ICI Berlin with talks by Pierre Jacob, Chris Frith and Uta Frith who will focus on different aspects of social cognition. Before the evening lecture on 21 May, the Barbara-Wengeler-Preis for outstanding interdisciplinary research in philosophy and the neurosciences will be presented to Saskia Nagel for her PhD thesis entitled Ethics and the Neurosciences – The Ethical and Social Implications of Monitoring and Manipulating the Brain.
In English
Pierre Jacob
Chris Frith
Uta Frith
Thomas Metzinger
Organized by
Thomas Metzinger, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Study & Philosophisches Seminar der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, with support from the Barbara-Wengeler-Stiftung, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Study, and the ICI Berlin
The event, like all events at the ICI Berlin, is open to the public, free of charge. The audience is presumed to consent to a possible recording on the part of the ICI Berlin. If you would like to attend the event yet might require assistance, please contact Event Management.