As a starting point, Birgit Schneider and Lynda Olman will provide an overview of their work on global forest monitoring platforms that use satellite technologies to detect forests. The workshop will invite short interventions on ecologies and scale to open up an interdisciplinary discussion on the potential and limits of understanding the politics of zoom. Birgit Schneider (University of Potsdam) and Lynda Olman (University of Nevada) will take responsibility for leading the workshop and supplying reading material.

In English

Filippo Bosco
Svea Braeunert
Yuri Di Liberto
Winfried Gerling
Paul Heinicker
Marietta Kesting
Lynda Olman
Claudia Peppel
Birgit Schneider

Organized by

Birgit Schneider and Lynda Olman
An event of the University of Potsdam (IKM/EMW) in cooperation with the ICI Berlin

KV Scaling Mapping

Image credit © GFW with RADD alerts in the Central African Republic based on Radar data by Sentinel 1 within 10-meter pixels