KARLA (HD video, 34:45 min, Omer Fast 2020)
Followed by a discussion with the artist Omer Fast moderated by Cristina Baldacci and Claudia Peppel
KARLA is based on a conversation with a content moderator for the world’s largest online video sharing platform. The content moderator wished to remain anonymous and so his/her words were memorized by an actress, whose performance was then recorded using facial-capture technology. As the actress speaks, both her face and voice gradually shift into different characters, refusing to coalesce into a single identity, while delving deeper and deeper into one person’s nightmare of working with images in the gig economy. There are two parts to this work: A holographic projection and a small flatscreen monitor. In this preview file, the two parts of the work have been edited onto the same screen.
KARLA was commissioned by the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung / Freunde der Pinakothek der Moderne for an exhibition in 2020.
Based on an interview with a person who wishes to remain anonymous
Idea and edit: Omer Fast
Performer: Genia Maria Karasek
HD Camera and sound: Frieder Schlaich Sound
Post-Production: Jochen Jezussek
Production/Translation: Anna Bitter
Full 3D Production: Mimic Productions, Berlin
Hermione Mitford, David Bennett
Production Coordinator: Alexandria Frances Petrus
Motion Capture Director: Alexandre Donciu-Julin
Render Artist and Technician: Johannes Mittig
Animator: Yeji Min Animator: Matilde Hansen-Walmsness
Animator: Angus McDonald
Holographic Technician: Robert Gabriel
AV Technician: Radek Pater
In English
Omer Fast
Cristina Baldacci
Claudia Peppel
Organized by
Gal Kirn and Claudia Peppel
This ICI event is organized in cooperation with the project Ré.Part – Partisan Resistance(s): Visual culture, collective imagination and revolutionary memory (ANR-15-IDEX-02) of Laboratoire de Recherche Historique Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA) de l’Université Grenoble Alpes, with generous support of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.
Image Credit © Omer Fast, HD video KARLA, 2020