Gift, Fetish, Magic – the three words of the title name the topics announced by the organizers. Gift and Fetish share a structural element that made an evolution from the first to the second possible under special circumstances and shows the role of magic in passing.
James T. Siegel is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Asian Studies at Cornell University. He has published several books including Shadow and Sound: The Historical Thought of a Sumatran People (1978), Solo in the New Order: Language and Hierarchy in an Indonesian City (1993), Fetish, Recognition, Revolution (1997), A New Criminal Type in Jakarta: Counter-Revolution Today (1998), The Rope of God (2000), Naming the Witch (Cultural Memory in the Present) (2005), and most recently, Objects and Objections of Ethnography (2010).
In English
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An ICI Berlin event, organized by Maria José de Abreu, Preciosa de Joya, and Ursula Helg
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