This talk will use Hong Kong as a case study to explore food systems in highly urbanized environments; it will look at the role of food rescue in the wider ecology of the food network. From this case study, Tam would like to distill a form of ethics that is not based on charity but rather a contributive form of parasitism that is essential to increasing urban resilience.
Daisy Tam is an assistant professor in the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing at the Hong Kong Baptist University. She received her PhD in Cultural Studies from Goldsmiths, University of London, where she began her research on ethical food practices. Her current work on food waste and the city is a theoretical and technological project that explores collaborative food rescue practices and its capacity to contribute towards a more ethical food system. Her recent publications include: (co-authored with James Burton) ‘Towards a Parasitic Ethics’, Theory, Culture and Society, 33.4; ‘The Hidden Market: The Alternative Borough Market’, in Informal Urban Street Markets: International Perspectives, ed. by C. Evers and K. Seale (New York: Routledge, 2015); ‘Little Manila: The Other Central of Hong Kong’, in Messy Urbanism (University of Hong Kong Press, forthcoming).
In English
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An ICI Berlin event, organized by James Burton
This lecture is part of the Symposium Theft Economies and Subtractive Ecologies: Rethinking Parasitism, organized by James Burton.

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