Final Party is the name assumed on special occasions by various people who call themselves friends and who have devoted their thoughts and limbs to the fermentation of ever tinier, ever more concentrated and slippery quantities of the present, pooling their resources and draining their humours to provide the (a)social lubrication for an ongoing, unilateral celebration of means, at the expense of all ends. Known primarily for its decade-long running radio show in Los Angeles, Final Party also specializes in live entertainment for holiday gatherings, new birthdays, and religious ceremonies, as well as offers counselling for people looking to make the transition from distraction to destruction. Broadsides and pamphlets are released regularly through their publishing house, Festive Publications, and submissions are always welcome. Final Party is currently active in Berlin, Los Angeles, Chicago, Portland, St. Louis…
In English
Barry Johnston
Organized by
A World Picture Conference in cooperation with Cambridge Film & Screen and ICI Berlin
Organized by Veronica Fitzpatrick (co-editor, World Picture/Brown University), Manuele Gragnolati (Sorbonne Université/ICI Berlin), Christoph Holzhey (ICI Berlin), Jules O’Dwyer (co-editor, World Picture/Cambridge), Brian Price (co-editor, World Picture/University of Toronto), John David Rhodes (co-editor, World Picture/Cambridge), and Meghan Sutherland (co-editor, World Picture/University of Toronto), Elizabeth Wijaya (co-editor, World Picture/University of Toronto)
Image Credit © Claudia Peppel