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Call for Papers
KV Scales of Life

of Life

From Basal Cognition to Planetary Intelligence

Symposium, 14-15 May 2025, 11:00-21:00

This symposium seeks to investigate how information processing, cognition, and other forms of sensing and making sense occur at different scales, and how the ways of understanding these scales inform and deform one another across the contemporary earth and life sciences. An exploration of these issues involves thinking with the increasingly relevant notion of the ‘planetary’ as a question of climate change and empire (Coen), as related to Gaia theory and its recent comeback in Earth System Science, as inclusive of the technosphere and its geopolitical implications (Bratton), and as a framing for understanding intelligence and life as planetary-scale phenomena (Frank et al.).

Keynote speakers: Deborah Coen, Michael Levin, Thomas Moynihan

Organized by Maria Dębińska, Magdalena Krysztoforska, Julia Sánchez-Dorado, Ben Woodard

The organizers welcome proposals for 20-minute talks, working across a range of fields: philosophy, history of science, social studies of science, biology, earth sciences, and the arts. 

Deadline: 28 February 2025.

Scaling, Mapping,br Networking

Scaling, Mapping,

The Politics of Zoom

Workshop, 10 Feb 2025, 15:00 – 18:00

As a starting point, Birgit Schneider and Lynda Olman will provide an overview of their work on global forest monitoring platforms that use satellite technologies to detect forests. The workshop will invite short interventions on ecologies and scale to open up an interdisciplinary discussion on the potential and limits of understanding the politics of zoom.

Organized by Birgit Schneider and Lynda Olman

Registration opens on 28 January 2025

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Global Forest brMonitoring

Global Forest

The Ethics of Space Politics
With Birgit Schneider and Lynda Olman

Lecture & Discussion, 10 Feb 2025, 19:00

Though a powerful tool for both transnational forest product companies and Indigenous activists, global forest monitoring platforms present ethical and political dilemmas. In this presentation, Birgit Schneider and Lynda Olman share their research on Global Forest Watch (GFW), the most popular open-source platform for global forest health monitoring. 

Part of the event Scaling, Mapping, Networking

Registration opens on 28 January 2025

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Cynthia brFleury


La clinique de la dignité: l’attention à la vulnérabilité

Die Klinik der Würde: Über den Umgang mit Verwundbarkeit

Discussion, 13 Feb 2025, 19:00

Dans le cadre de cette discussion, la philosophe et psychanalyste Cynthia Fleury, l’autrice et journaliste Lea de Gregorio et la psychologue Ulrike Kluge échangeront sur le rôle central de la dignité dans nos sociétés.

Un débat organisé par l’Institut français Deutschland en coopération avec le SFB Affective Societies (FU Berlin), les éditions Suhrkamp et l’ICI Berlin.

En français et allemand

Registration opens on 28 January 2025

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Autoritäre brMännlichkeit/en


Mit Klaus Theweleit

Screening & Discussion, 19 Feb 2025, 19:00

Der Film Stau (Thomas Heise, 1992, 85 min) dokumentiert in schonungsloser Direktheit die Realität rechtsextremer männlicher Jugendlicher in Halle-Neustadt. In der anschließenden Diskussion widmen sich Klaus Theweleit, Xenia Müller und Justus Heitzelmann dem Thema autoritäre Männlichkeiten.

Die Abendveranstaltung ist eine Kooperation des Instituts für Kulturwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin mit dem ICI Berlin

Auf Deutsch

Registration opens on 5 February 2025

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Cover Psychotherapy and Materialism

Psychotherapy and

Essays by François Tosquelles and Jean Oury
Ed. by Marlon Miguel and Elena Vogman

Cultural Inquiry, 31
Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2024

Open Access

Institutional psychotherapy emerged in France during World War II as a resistance movement against the fascist extermination of patients with mental and physical disabilities. The movement was initiated at the Saint-Alban psychiatric hospital and established a horizontal collective of patients and healthcare workers to dismantle confinement systems reminiscent of colonial and totalitarian practices. Embracing group therapies and patient-run cooperatives, these methods intertwined the ‘treatment of the institution’ and mental ‘disalienation’.

Hardcover | 27 EUR
Paperback | 10.5 EUR

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Towards a Theory of Failed Passing
Instituting brCare


Psychotherapy and Materialism
John brGuillory


Scholarship, Activism, and the Autonomy of Social Spheres