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Thomas brHarrison


From Material to Symbol, to Model: The Bridge

Lecture, 3 Jul 2023, 19:30

This lecture will present the bridge as a structure of interconnectivity by which one passes from one form or familiarity to another. The bridge is a model of communication. By locking two into the space of one, it enables thought and the experience of the social. Interdisciplinarity and transculturality also depend on bridges, approachable with lesser or greater degrees of enthusiasm.

Part of the ICI Lecture Series Models

Live-stream available
In-person: Registration required
Amelia brJones


Performing Absence as Intervention: The Case of Lee Lozano

Lecture, 7 Jul 2023, 19:30

The artist has long been understood in conventional Western art history, art criticism, and curatorial practice as the site of active agency, as the origin of the meaning and value of the work of art. By the later 20th century, during a period of social crisis across Europe and North America, however, theorists such as Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida put pressure on this model.

Organized by Anna Kipke, Iryna Kovalenko, Laura Rogalski, Beate Söntgen, Simon Teune, Annette Werberger and Mimmi Woisnitza

An event of the Collaborative Research Centre 1512 ’Intervening Arts‘ and the DFG-research training group ’Cultures of Critique‘ in cooperation with ICI Berlin

In-person: Registration required

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Maggie brNelson


The Forms Things Want to Come As

Lecture & Reading, 12 Jul 2023, 19:30

What is the relationship between the content of an idea and its shape on the page? To examine such questions, Maggie Nelson will read from a variety of her works and think about how they relate (or don't) to poet Robert Creeley's famous contention, 'form is never more than an extension of content'.

Live-stream available
In-person: Registration required

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Self brStudy


Maggie Nelson in conversation with David Kishik

Book Presentation, 13 Jul 2023, 19:30

David Kishik’ s Self Study (ICI Berlin Press, 2023) is a genre-bending work of autophilosophy. It opens a rare, rear window into the schizoid position of self-sufficient withdrawal and impassive indifference. David Kishik will read from his book, followed by a conversation with Maggie Nelson and a Q&A with the audience.

Organized by ICI Berlin Press

Live-stream available
In-person: Registration required

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KV Coding Utopias


ICI Berlin
28-29 September 2023
In English

Is it possible not to treat utopia merely as a model of abstract futurity based on escapist projections of a harmonious ideal? What happens when utopia is conceived not only as a way of imagining a better future but also as a way of intervening in the present by addressing the past? Can utopia welcome ambivalence, disquietude, paradox, opacity, and uncertainty?

For further details please see the event page.

Proposals for 20-minute paper presentations are invited. Also welcome are proposals for interventions through other creative formats, including though not limited to performances, exhibitions, screenings, and conversations.

Please email a 200-word proposal and short bio to by Monday, 17 July 2023. Notifications of acceptance will be sent at the beginning of August. The symposium organizers intend to offer a small sum to help fund participants’ travel to Berlin, especially early career participants or those without other financial support.

An ICI Berlin event organized in collaboration with the Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut at Freie Universität Berlin and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

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KV World Picture Conference


ICI Berlin
17–18 November 2023
In English

The keyword for this year’s World Picture Conference is ‘models’. It stages a collaboration with the current ICI Research Project, which reflects upon modelling practices across different fields, with a particular focus on the role of reduction and its critical potentials.

For further details of that project, please see

Papers to be delivered should be 20 minutes in length. Please email an abstract (250–500 words) and a short bio to by 30 June 2023. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by mid-July.

World Picture Conference in cooperation with ICI Berlin

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Selamawit brD. Terrefe

D. Terrefe

Race, Power, and the Psyche: Violence at the Corridors of Psychoanalysis
Translating Politics brinto Art and Literature in the Arab World

Translating Politics
into Art and Literature in the Arab World

With Fawwaz Traboulsi
Hans-Christian brDany


Model MA-1: The Bomber Jacket as a Shifting Object of Projection