Is it possible not to treat utopia merely as a model of abstract futurity based on escapist projections of a harmonious ideal? What happens when utopia is conceived not only as a way of imagining a better future but also as a way of intervening in the present by addressing the past? Can utopia welcome ambivalence, disquietude, paradox, opacity, and uncertainty?
For further details please see the event page.
Proposals for 20-minute paper presentations are invited. Also welcome are proposals for interventions through other creative formats, including though not limited to performances, exhibitions, screenings, and conversations.
Please email a 200-word proposal and short bio to by Monday, 17 July 2023. Notifications of acceptance will be sent at the beginning of August. The symposium organizers intend to offer a small sum to help fund participants’ travel to Berlin, especially early career participants or those without other financial support.
An ICI Berlin event organized in collaboration with the Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut at Freie Universität Berlin and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.