Cover Burnout
In the struggle for a better world, setbacks are inevitable. Defeat can feel overwhelming at times, but it has to be endured. How then do the people on the front line keep going?
Cover Never Was
Daniel sits on a clifftop in the aftermath of a party at Fin's mansion, looking out over a junky sea. Daniel's not sure why they're there, or who Fin is, even though Fin seems to be somebody famous.
Publication Camering
Fernand Deligny, ‘a poet and ethologist’, is mostly known for his work with autistic children, and his influence on the revolutions in French post-war psychiatry. Though neither director, scriptwriter, historian of cinema nor a theorist of the image, cinema is constantly called into his social, pedagogical, and clinical experimentations.
'Denkraum der Besonnenheit’ names the constellations of methods, concept, forms of expression, and personal challenges that distinguish Aby Warburg’s research. It is the space of thinking and for thinking, a condition and a process — its method constantly threatened with the destruction of its confines.
The Science of Character makes a bold new claim for the power of the literary by showing how Victorian novelists used fiction to theorize how character forms.
Mixing theoretical discussion with engaging reflections on personal experiences, Majewska proposes what she calls 'counterpublics of the common' and 'weak resistance', offering an alternative to heroic forms of subjectivity produced by neoliberal capitalism and contemporary fascism.
Cover Camerer
Le mot ‘camérer’ apparaît sous sa plume en 1977, comme une alternative à ‘filmer’. Sous sa forme infinitive, il privilégie la primauté du processus sur la visée de l’objet-film (camérer / camerrer).
Cover Touch of Doubt
What can we know about ourselves and the world through the sense of touch and what are the epistemic limits of touch? Scepticism claims that there is always something that slips through the epistemologist's grasp.